Upgrade your business with the confidence that we will always be there for you every step of the way!

Invest in the future of your business and enhance your growth needs.

At a glance


Amount of Funding
From €10.000


Interest Rate

Variable interest rate, 3M Euribor plus spread from 3.50% to 7.10% plus the Law 128/75 Contribution (currently 0.60%).

The interest rate depends on the type of collateral provided and the energy class of the property under purchase/renovation.


Loan Duration
From 24 to 240 μήνες


Grace Period

Possibility of a grace period of up to 36 months, provided there is a construction period, without capitalisation of interest



Monthly or quarterly installments


Early Repayment

There is the possibility of either full (full repayment) or partial (partial repayment), whenever you wish

The Advantages

With Attica Business Stegi fixed-term loan:

  • You fund your business’s growth needs by purchasing commercial property or upgrading your facilities without disrupting your business’ liquidity or depleting its capital.
  • You are entitled to a preferential interest rate, if your commercial building is classified in a high energy category.
  • You cover the immediate housing need of your business by replacing the recurring monthly rent payment with recurring monthly / quarterly payments on your loan installment, increasing, this way, your business investments.
  • Long loan term. You get to chose the frequency of repayment and the duration of the loan, achieving better planning of the company’s obligations.
  • Leverage assets to reduce the cost of the loan.