Consumer Loans

Attica Symferon

Cover your personal needs with low costs and competitive interest rate

Attica Car Loan

Get your own car with fast procedures

Attica Special Credit

Cover your personal and consumer needs, secured by a deposit guarantee

Attica XL

Cover personal and consumer needs with collateral security

Mortgage Loans

Mortgage Loan New Start

For purchase or renovation of a property

Attica My Home

Housing loan for the purchase or renovation of a home

Attica Eco Home

Housing loan for the energy upgrade of your home

Attica Premier Residence

Housing loan for the purchase of a luxury home

Attica Buy to Let

Ιnterest-bearing loan for the purchase of a property with the purpose of letting

My Home – Youth Program

Program for young people aged 25-39 years old for the purchase of their first home

Reward Program for consistent Housing Loan customers

We reduce the mortgage loan installment for consistent borrowers

Eco Loans

Attica My Eco Car

Get your own eco car quickly and economically

Attica My Eco Bike

Go green on 2 wheels!