Choose Attica Business Support for a stable and secure future for your business.

Upgrade your business with the innovative Attica Business Support interest-bearing loan from Attica Bank.

This product is specifically designed to empower your business, allowing you to expand or respond to emergencies while maintaining short-term liquidity.

At a glance


Amount of Funding
According to the needs of the business. Minimum amount of funding €5.000.


Interest rate
Variable interest rate, 3M Euribor plus spread from 3.50% to 8% plus a levy under Law 128/75 (currently 0.60%).
The interest rate depends on the type of collateral provided


Grace period
Possibility of a grace period of up to 12 months.


From 24 to 120 months.


Monthly or quarterly installments.


Early repayment
There is an option for either full (full repayment) or partial (partial repayment) repayment whenever you wish.

How do you benefit?

  • Finance the growth needs of your company’s working capital to make it more competitive.
  • Cover immediate or recurrent or emergency needs without disturbing the liquidity of your business by smoothly repaying its liabilities.
  • Long loan duration. You choose the repayment frequency and the duration of the loan achieving better planning of the business’s obligations.
  • You utilize assets to reduce the cost of the loan.