For corporate clients (Legal Entities – Businesses), there are typically multiple users each with specific, distinct roles tailored to their responsibilities.

These users are categorized as makers, authorizers, and those who serve both as makers & authorizers. Any changes regarding corporate user access to Attica e-banking & Attica Mobile require communication with your portfolio management branch.

Maker: The Maker is responsible for entering transactions into the Attica e-banking system as pending, awaiting approval by another user or users (as dictated by the Corporate Client’s approval scheme) who have the role of Authorizer.
This role may also carry out certain administrative transactions related to the accounts and transactions they manage, or concerning the passwords and alerts received automatically from the application. Additionally, the Maker may access financial data related to the accounts they are assigned to.

Authorizer: The Authorizer is tasked with approving transactions registered by the partnership’s Maker. Once transactions are approved, they are automatically processed for execution.
Similar to the Maker, the Authorizer can conduct certain administrative transactions related to the accounts they oversee or concerning passwords and alerts received from the application. They also have access to financial information pertaining to the accounts under their management.

Maker & Authorizer: Individuals in this role have the capability to both register and approve internal transactions. They may perform administrative tasks related to the accounts they manage or in connection with passwords and notifications received from the application.
Additionally, they have access to financial data of the accounts they are associated with.