Attica Bank will never request your personal passwords (such as your PIN or account password) through any means—including phone, email, Viber, or SMS.

If you suspect any fraudulent activity, please contact us immediately at +30 210 3669000.

Guidelines for Secure Transactions:

Secure Navigation:

  • Always access Attica e-banking services directly through the official website Avoid using links from search engines or emails to enter your passwords.

Password and Card Security:

  • The username and password you use for e-banking and mobile banking are strictly personal.
  • Choose a complex password (often referred to as your Secret Password) and avoid using auto-fill forms to enter it.
  • You are responsible for safeguarding your passwords. If you suspect or become aware of any theft or unauthorized interception, you must immediately notify Attica Bank.
  • Regularly verify that your card is in your possession. Report any unauthorized use by third parties to the bank immediately.
  • Your PIN is confidential and should be known only to you. Never store your PIN with your card.
  • Avoid using easily guessed personal information as your PIN, such as your own or family members’ birthdays. Also, refrain from using the same PIN across multiple cards.
  • Always cover the keypad when entering your PIN at ATMs or (POS) terminals.
  • Never share your card or PIN with anyone, under any circumstances.
  • Attica Bank will never ask for your PINs by phone, email, SMS, or any other method.
  • Emails and SMS messages that appear to be from Attica Bank and prompt you to visit a specific webpage are likely phishing attempts aimed at stealing your personal information. These messages may request that you enter sensitive details such as your username and password. It is crucial to immediately delete any emails or messages that ask you to provide personal information, login to the bank’s digital services, visit links, or open attachments.
  • Phone calls from individuals claiming to be representatives of the bank, seeking to obtain your personal information such as account numbers, customer codes, VAT numbers, ID numbers, etc., are likely attempts at voice phishing and should be disregarded.

Protect Your Computer and Mobile Device from Malicious Actions

  • Ensure your computer’s operating system, browsers, and applications are updated to the latest versions to protect against vulnerabilities.
  • Equip your computer and mobile device with security software, such as firewalls, antivirus, and anti-spyware programs. Keep these programs activated and updated to the newest versions available.
  • Conduct your online transactions only over secure networks and websites.
  • Refrain from using public computers or third-party devices for accessing sensitive personal information or financial services.
  • Always use Attica Bank’s e-banking services through the official websites ( or Avoid clicking on links from other websites, search engines, or emails.
  • Reset your mobile phone to factory settings before transferring it to another person or recycling it.