With the Attica Business Equipment loan, you equip your business and implement your development plans through the purchase or renewal of professional, mechanical or material equipment and even the purchase of a professional means of transport, without affecting the short – long term liquidity of your business.

Preferential pricing is offered for the purchase of ESG vehicles.

At a glance


Amount of Funding
According to the needs of the business. Minimum amount of funding €10.000.


Interest rate
Variable interest rate, 3M Euribor plus spread from 3.50% to 7.50% plus Law 128/75 Contribution (currently 0.60%).

The interest rate depends on the type of collateral provided, and the possibility of assessing the type of investment, especially for the purchase of hybrid commercial vehicles or any Renewable Energy Sources (RES) equipment


Loan duration
From 24 to 120 months.


Grace period
Possibility to provide a grace period of up to 24 months without capitalisation of interest.


Monthly or quarterly installments.


Early repayment
There is the possibility of either full (full repayment) or partial (partial repayment) repayment, whenever you wish.

How do you benefit?

  • Finance the developmental needs of your business by purchasing/renewing fixed assets in its facilities, in order to become more competitive and reduce its environmental footprint.
  • You have preferential interest rates for purchasing electric commercial vehicles or any Renewable Energy Sources (RES) equipment.
  • Cover the immediate need for renewal of your business without disrupting its liquidity, by choosing between monthly/quarterly payments on your loan installment, while simultaneously increasing the value of its fixed assets.
  • Long loan duration. Choose the repayment frequency and loan duration to achieve better planning of your business obligations.
  • Leverage assets to reduce loan costs.