How do you benefit?

Make your home energy green while increasing its value with the preferential financing that applies to every individual, with zero early repayment costs for – upgrading the energy class of your property through (indicatively and not restrictively).

  • Replacement of frames
  • Installation / upgrading of thermal insulation
  • Upgrading the heating/cooling system, installation of a hot water system (DHW) using renewable energy sources (RES)

Gain benefits:
(a) Reduction of heating – cooling energy costs
(b) Reduction of heating energy costs (a) Reduction of heating energy consumption (b) Protection of your environmental footprint.

At a glance


Grant amount
From € 1,500 to € 25,000


Interest rate
The interest rate is fixed for the entire duration of the loan.
7,90%, plus tax. N128/75 (currently 0.60%)


A reduction of 0,20 percentage points (0,20 %) in the nominal interest rate (excluding the Law 128/75 levy) is granted after the presentation of the energy certificate and provided that:
(a) your loan is up to date,
(b) the work has been completed,
(c) the property being upgraded is upgraded by at least one energy class

Within 6 months of the disbursement of your loan, you provide the Bank with a certificate of the energy category of your home, after the completion of the energy upgrade works*

*Energy upgrading works include (indicatively and not restrictively): replacement of windows, installation/upgrade of thermal insulation, upgrade of heating/cooling system, installation of hot water system (DHW) using renewable energy sources (RES)


In monthly installments that repay interest and capital automatically from your deposit account, and you have the option of early repayment of all or part of your loan without charge.


From 1 to 7 years


We offer you financing up to 100% of the amount of invoices/preferential invoices or quotations for home energy upgrade work.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Energy upgrading works are considered to be works that improve the energy class of the property such as:

  • the replacement of frames,
  • the installation/upgrading of thermal insulation,
  • upgrading the heating/cooling system, installation of a hot water system (DHW) using renewable energy sources (RES).

The above works are indicative and not restrictive.

No, the loan is exclusively for financing energy upgrade works.
Attica Bank has other products through which you can finance these works.

According to the budget of the energy upgrade work you plan to do in combination with your income and other loan obligations.

It involves the fee of Attica Properties, a company cooperating with Attica Bank, which approves the cost of the financed works.

If the financing concerns energy upgrading works, a nominal interest rate discount of 0.20% is available, provided that the property being upgraded is upgraded by at least one energy category.

The nominal interest rate reduction shall be applied from the next loan installment after the energy certificate has been submitted, provided that:

  • the loan is up to date
  • the energy upgrade work has been completed

With the energy efficiency certificate, which classifies your home in one of 9 energy categories, depending on the energy it consumes. It is issued by a certified energy inspector who carries out an inspection of your home.

An energy performance certificate is mandatory if you want to sell or rent your home. However, it is not compulsory to obtain a loan